Every year the association for learning & development professionals in the Netherlands, Develhub, have an Award Ceremony. On that evening, they announce an Award winner in 3 different categories. In 2021 these Award winners were:
- Talent Award: Puck Onnekes
- Professional Award: Ilona Boomsma
- Learning organization Award: CBS Academy
As proud partner of Develhub, I have offered the last 2 years to take all Award winners on a day of sailing together. And also this third winning group of 2021 came onboard: on Saturday 12 March 2022, it was their day of meet & greet and celebrating their Award winning work! In total 8 people came onboard, including 3 members of the Develhub Association involved as jurors of the Award Ceremony.
At 10.00u the Award winners got on board, we had arrived in the Veerhaven in Rotterdam that week, a picturesque and well known place in the middle of the city. And since it was good weather, we sat on the lounge deck at the front of the ship with coffee and cake. The group had a great conversation about their work, how it is to be an Award winner, and also to get to know each other personally.
After lunch on board, we sailed away from the Veerhaven into the river Maas, where we sailed by the Euromast, the SS Rotterdam ship, Hotel New York, the Rotterdam building and we did a photoshoot in front of the Erasmus Bridge, with all the Develhub Award winners and jurors standing on top of the catamaran!
At the end of the afternoon, we came back into the harbor of Veerhaven and we ended this day with drinks and snacks. As a surprise, I put around 20 books about Learning and Development on the table and everyone could choose 1 book to take home.
It was great to meet these Award winners and to see the management of Develhub again!
One of the participants made a great movie of 3 minutes with impressions of the day!