“Don't be intimidated by what you don't know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else”


Blogs & Videos

We will try to keep you up to date with our travel experiences, stay tuned for more...

140. Sicily

For the last 5 weeks we have been sailing along the coast of Sicily and visiting the island. The largest island in the Mediterranean Sea

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137. Sailing 2023

Our year of sailing in 2023 in 4,5 minutes! We selected the most beautiful pictures of 2023 to show the must sees of the Mediterranean

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136. Calabria

We started to sail the southernmost region of the Italian mainland, called Calabria. It is perhaps the most unspoiled region of Italy, with mighty rocks

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133. Bay of Naples

Sailing further south on the coast of Italy, we came to the bay of Naples, which is a great place to be. The volcanic landscape

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132. The coast of Lazio

Sailing further south along the coastline of the regio Lazio, where Rome is het most important city, we have sailed this trajectory since the harbor

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131. Rome

We made the crossing with our catamaran from the island of Sardinia to Rome! Back to the mainland of Italy. ‘Huh? Rome isn’t by the

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130. Sardinia

We sailed from the south tip of Corsica to the north coast of Sardinia. A complete different island we found out in the following weeks,

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