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Nr 19. Dutch Bakery in Norway and Geirangerfjord
We were going to visit the last fjord in West Norway, which is on the UNESCO world heritage list: the Geirangerfjord. The S-shape form of

Nr 18. Sailing the Sognefjord: from Ægir to Zipline
After spending a long weekend at the city of Bergen and visited islands like Fedje, it was time to discover the next fjord: Sogneford. In

Nr 17. Cheers! Visiting ‘Ocean Distillery Feddie’
After sailing a number of fjords, we decided to go visit the city of Bergen. And the island of Fedje. Because we were advised a

Nr. 16 Fjords Facts
It’s waterful! We are impressed by the fjords in Norway. As Dutch people, we don’t know that phenomenon, but here are more than a 1.000

Nr 15. Stavanger, Lysefjord and Preikestolen
After the southcoast of Norway, we rounded the westtip of Norway and started our sailtrip up the westcoast. We immediately noticed a change: the rolling

Nr 14. The Rivièra of the North
The southcoast of Norway is often referred to as the rivièra of the North, because of the mild climate. This part of Norway has to

Nr 13. Sailing the Oslofjord
In our first week in Norway, we sailed the Oslofjord and crossed that bay from east coast to the westcoast (because we came out of

Nr 12. Goodbye to Sweden, 10 surprising facts we learned about the Swedish
On our sailing trip, we are about to arrive in Norway. After 5 weeks of sailing the West coast of Sweden (June and July), we

Nr 11. Emma’s Bachelor Party on the catamaran
The joy of sailing is discovering new territories an meeting new people! These spontaneous encounters are so much fun, because you have time to chat

Nr 10. Midsommar Fest in Sweden
Welcome to the Midsommar Fest! When you make a worldtrip, you participate in every local festival of course ! And Midsommar is the most important holiday,

Nr 9. National Park Koster
In the last blog nr 8, we mentioned that we had arrived in the top of the Swedish westcoast, at Koster, a National Park. We

Nr 8. The Göteborg Archipel
Did you know about the Göteborg Archipelago? We didn’t, so when we read about it, to our surprise there were beautiful islands in front of
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