“The brave may not live forever – but the cautious do not live at all”

Nr. 5 Nothing is Rotten in the State of Denmark!

William Shakespeare wrote about Denmark in Hamlet, not very positive remarks were made about (the political situation in) Denmark, but nowadays, when it comes to sailing, the mentality of the Danish people and the beauty of Danish nature, make Denmark is an excellent place! Most harbours have great facilities like picknicktables, BBQ places, free wifi, […]

Nr 4. Sailing the German Wadden Islands (UNESCO World Hertitage)

On the 1. May 2021, we left our home port Stavoren after 2 years, and started our world trip! We want to spend the summer in the fjords in Norway, so in May and June we are visiting German and Denmark coastlines on our way to Norway. The first 2 weeks, we have visited 6 […]